About us

We are active members of The Professional Association of Resume Writers & Career Coaches (PARW&CC) and Career Directors International (CDI).


Get ready to meet the incredible individuals that make up Area CV's team! Our dedicated, enthusiastic, and hard-working experts are the driving force behind our company's success. Together, we'll supercharge your career journey!

Our writers have assisted over 3.000 professionals in bringing their career stories to life. Even though our main focus is helping professionals from North America (USA, Canada & Mexico) and Latin America (Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Peru, Panama and Costa Rica), we also work with professionals from the Middle East, Europe, and Australia.


With an extensive background in executive roles spanning Finance and HR, I have gained invaluable insights into the job market. My experience has shown me that candidates yearn for the means to seize control of their careers and carve out personalized routes to triumph. When recruiting - I reviewed thousands of CVs - and recognized a common shortcoming: applicants often struggle to effectively showcase their true capabilities on paper.

In today's highly competitive job market, professionals face fierce competition for limited job opportunities. Unfortunately, the majority of CVs fail to capture attention, resulting in less than 5% securing interview chances. This wasted effort not only undermines talented professionals' achievements but also hinders companies from realizing their full potential. Simply relying on an accomplishment-based CV with a great layout is no longer sufficient. A 2021 Harvard Business Review study revealed that even excellent candidates are often overlooked by applicant tracking systems (ATS), and companies are aware of this issue.

Creating a résumé that satisfies both automated résumé scoring software and resonates with human decision-makers is a complex undertaking, one that goes beyond the capabilities of an unexperienced résumé writer. Regrettably, lacking industry certification training, these individuals often produce CVs that include elements flagged by automated scoring software.

This is why I founded Area CV.

With firsthand knowledge of employers' recruitment criteria, I understand the importance of effectively conveying your value, expertly managing high-profile projects, navigating challenging situations, and showcasing alignment with the desired position. These factors are crucial for capturing the attention of employers.

At Area CV, we consider it a privilege to have assisted numerous professionals in elevating their careers and seamlessly transitioning into new professional realms. As news about the quality of our deliverables spread, Area CV swiftly gained momentum and established itself as a prominent force in the global CV writing industry, garnering a reputation as a trusted provider and candidate-oriented company.

Whether through our expertly crafted CVs, compelling linkedin Profile Optimization, interview-winning cover letters, or transformative personal branding services for starting new ventures, we have embarked on transformative journeys together, propelling individuals toward their desired goals and unlocking doors to exciting opportunities.

If you aspire to embrace a new challenge, enhance your financial prospects, or both, or even if you are not actively seeking but wish to be prepared for future opportunities, we are here to lend a helping hand. A CV possesses the immense power to either open doors of opportunity or firmly close them.


Still have questions? Would like to discuss something else? .Get in touch with us

    We can help you with:
  • resume writing services, CV and cover letter writing
  • Interview tips and mock (practice) interviews
  • LinkedIn optimization
  • Personal branding makeover
  • Graduate / professional school application
  • A well-crafted personal branding is a strategic investment with substantial returns. In today's competitive job market, let us be your secret weapon, propelling you towards success. Contact Area CV now and let's make your career dreams a reality. Make the smart move!